"That Girl in Yellow Boots" tells the story of Ruth (played by co-writer, Kalki Koechlin), a young woman from Brighton (ENGLAND) who travels to the bustling city of Mumbai (INDIA) in search of her long lost Indian father. But Ruth's search soon takes her down a dark path as she becomes entangled in the seedy underside of life in Mumbai.Nearly broke, and following a series of less than pleasant encounters with a host of unsavory characters, she is forced to work at a massage parlor which offers sexual favors to its clientele. The films narrative unfolds with twists and turns around every corner, (meaning no viewer will find this film "predictable") and ultimately, Ruth must confront the explosive truth about her father, the only man, she believes, truly loves her.
The director will be present at the screening. Come back to this site for more info on the fest in the days to come.
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