Take-Up Productions' is wrapping up their B-movie series, "Before CGI: Six Sci-Fi Classics" with a genuine American film classic. King Kong is probably a familiar story to you all, but the original film is a worthwhile view for those curious about the history of blockbusters. Despite the $500,000 budget, I'm not convinced that the special effects and stop motion were any more exhilarating for a 1933 audience than they are for today's viewers. Nevertheless, the film went on to gross $2 million, and as been remade at least twice, the most recent being the Peter Jackson version in 2005. The story is still an attractive one, and that goes double for the original. Check it out at the Heights tonight at 7:30.
Mon Oct 18 7:30
(1933, Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedesack, 35mm, 104m) The first great special effects film, and still unrivaled for its thrills, King Kong deserves to be witnessed on the big screen. You'll marvel at the great ape's agility and expressiveness, and maybe even shed a tear at his terrible fate. A masterpiece.
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